Saturday, December 30

Period of Lull

It's that strange limbo week between Christmas and New Year. I have been basically flopping around my house, my mother's house, my friends houses.. post-viral fatigue has rather knocked me off my feet. About Christmas? Well.. it was interesting. A whole lot of stress and not a lot of fun. I don't even know if people like the presents that I gave them... but I got my digital camera. So expect some interesting photos soon enough.

Yes, I will be jumping on the Half Naked Thursday bandwagon!

Alas - internet connection is too slow for me to include many intertextual references in this entry, so I'll just give a general point in the direction of all of the thousands of articles about Saddam Hussein's execution. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but it's definitely one of those events that will be remembered for a long time.

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